Using the ActiveJS is similar to RxJS Observables and other observable and subscription-based libraries.
However, if you don't want to create a useState
and useEffect
binding every time you use a Unit, you can create a custom Hook
for using ActiveJS Units , and pass the Unit to useUnit
Hook to bind the Unit with your React component.
useUnit Hook:
TypeScript JavaScript
Copy import { useState , useEffect } from "react" ;
import { UnitBase } from "@activejs/core" ;
const bind = < T extends Function >(method : T , thisArg : any ) : T =>
method .bind (thisArg)
export type UnitValueType < T > = T extends UnitBase < infer X > ? X : never
export function useUnit < U extends UnitBase < any >>(unit : U ) {
type T = UnitValueType < U >
const [ value , setValue ] = useState < T >()
useEffect (() => {
const subscription = unit .subscribe (setValue);
return () => subscription .unsubscribe ();
} , [])
return {
value ,
dispatch : bind ( unit .dispatch , unit) ,
resetValue : bind ( unit .resetValue , unit)
Copy import { useState , useEffect } from 'react'
import { UnitBase } from '@activejs/core'
export const useUnit = (unit) => {
const [ value , setValue ] = useState ()
useEffect (() => {
const subscription = unit .subscribe (setValue)
return () => subscription .unsubscribe ()
} , []);
const dispatch = v => unit .dispatch (v)
const resetValue = () => unit .resetValue ()
return {value , dispatch , resetValue}
See this for basic usage.