Using ActiveJS with React is pretty straightforward since ActiveJS has the same basic API as every other subscription-based State Management solution. If you're following the general guidelines, then you are already on the right path.
Apart from the following examples, you will find more examples in the Examples section.
1. Counter using Hooks
Here's an example of implementing a simple counter with ActiveJS NumUnit and React Hooks.
// initialize a NumUnit.constcounterUnit=newNumUnit() // with default value 0// define two pure functions that produce a new valueconstincrement= value => value +1;constdecrement= value => value -1;// create a react componentfunctionApp() {const [value,setValue] =useState<number>(); // create local state// use an effect to update the local state when counterUnit's value changesuseEffect(() => {constsubscription=counterUnit.subscribe(setValue);return () =>subscription.unsubscribe(); // prevent memory leak }, []);return (<React.Fragment> Counter Value: {value}<button onClick={() => counterUnit.dispatch(increment)}>Increase</button><button onClick={() => counterUnit.dispatch(decrement)}>Decrease</button></React.Fragment> );}
Here's the same counter example using the useUnit Hook. This is much better than replicating the same useState and useEffect logic every time you want to use a Unit.
// initialize a NumUnit.constcounterUnit=newNumUnit() // with default value 0// define two pure functions that produce a new valueconstincrement= value => value +1constdecrement= value => value -1// create a react componentfunctionApp() {const {value,dispatch,resetValue} =useUnit(counterUnit)return (<React.Fragment> Counter Value: {value}<button onClick={() => dispatch(increment)}>Increase</button><button onClick={() => dispatch(decrement)}>Decrease</button><button onClick={() => resetValue()}>Reset</button></React.Fragment> )}
Here's the same counter example again, using the useObservable Hook. This is even better than useUnit, since we don't have to re-map the Unit's API again in a Hook, we just need the dynamic value to trigger rendering update, and for dispatch and other methods, we can use the Unit directly.
// initialize a NumUnit.constcounterUnit=newNumUnit() // with default value 0// define two pure functions that produce a new valueconstincrement= value => value +1;constdecrement= value => value -1;// create a react componentfunctionApp() {constvalue=useObservable(counterUnit);return (<React.Fragment> <p> Counter Value: <b>{value}</b></p><button onClick={() => counterUnit.dispatch(increment)}>Increase</button><button onClick={() => counterUnit.dispatch(decrement)}>Decrease</button><button onClick={() => counterUnit.resetValue()}>Reset</button></React.Fragment> );}