
Actions are meant to represent unique reactive events. Action is an RxJS Subject like construct. Actions don't replay the last value when subscribed to, unlike Units, Systems and Clusters. Actions help trigger customized operations in a reactive fashion.

You can call an Action a simplified form of a Unit as they share the same base API, although configured in a slightly different way.

  • It has a dispatch method, just like a Unit.

  • It extends the RxJS Observable class, hence it's an Observable.

  • By default, It doesn't replay when subscribed to, unlike a Unit.

  • It doesn't require an initial value, yet provides direct access to the last emitted value, just like a Unit.

  • It can only cache one value at a time, unlike a Unit.

  • Unlike Units, it doesn't perform any checks on dispatch.

See API reference for more details.

Initializing an Action:

// create an Action, that accepts number as its value
const multiplyAction = new Action<number>();

Action is an Observable but not a Subject.

multiplyAction instanceof Subject // false 
multiplyAction instanceof Observable // true

Accessing the value:

// access the value
console.log(multiplyAction.value()) // logs undefined

// dynamically access the value
multiplyAction.subscribe(value => {
  console.log(value) // will log future values
  // do something with the value here

Dispatching a value:

// dispatch a value

// replay the value
multiplyAction.replay(); // multiplyAction emits 3 again

The above example shows the basic usage of an Action, it's similar to an RxJS Subject with slight differences.

Creating a stream:

The real-life usage would most probably be to create streams using the Action.

// create a NumUnit to apply the multiplyAction on it
const numUnit = new NumUnit({initialValue: 10})

// create a stream using the earlier Action and above Unit
const subscription = multiplyAction.pipe(
  tap(multiplier => {
    // multiply the numUnit's value and update it
    numUnit.dispatch(currValue => currValue * multiplier)

// or simply use the built-in createStream method
const stream = multiplyAction.createStream(action$ => {
  return action$.pipe(
    tap(multiplier => {
      // multiply the numUnit's value and update it
      numUnit.dispatch(currValue => currValue * multiplier)

The advantage of using the createStream method is that we get a Stream instance. So we can stop and re-start the multiplication stream.

// stop the multiplication stream

// re-start the multiplication stream

Action vs Units vs BehaviorSubject




Replays value on subscription (by default)

Can be configured to replay value on subscription

Allows to listen to only future values

(useful when configured to replay on subscription)

Accepts an initial-value

Can cache more than one value

Validates dispatched values

Can re-emit/replay last value manually

Can be part of a Cluster

Configuration Options

The configuration options can be passed at the time of instantiation. All the configuration options are optional. Some options can also be set globally. See Configuration for more details.

Last updated

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